Sublime Text keyboard shortcuts

By w3iscool, September 27, 2015

In sublime or any text editor using of keyboard shortcuts make to code 10 times faster than working with the mouse. With a bit of practice and experience using these Sublime Text keyboard shortcuts will make coding much faster in sublime.


Key-press Command
Ctrl + Shift + P Command Pellete
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + B Toggle Side Bar
Ctrl + / Toggle comment
Ctrl + Shift + / Toggle block comment
Ctrl + Space Show Hints


Key-press Command
Ctrl + N New file in new tab
Ctrl + O Open file in new tab
Ctrl + S Save file
Ctrl + Shift + S Save as..
Ctrl + Shift + N New file in new window.
Ctrl + W Close current file
Ctrl + Shift + W Close window
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen closed file


Key-press Command
Ctrl + Z Undo changes
Ctrl + Y Redo changes
Ctrl + U Undo selection to step backwards
Ctrl + Shift + U Soft redo
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste and indent(tab space)
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + V Paste from history
Ctrl + ] Indent current line or selection
Ctrl + [ Unindent current line or selection
Ctrl + Shift + Up(arrow) Swipe line or selection up
Ctrl + Shift + Down(arrow) Swipe line or selection down
Ctrl + Shift + D Duplicate line or selection
Ctrl + Shift + K Delete line or selection
Ctrl + Shift + J Join Lines
Ctrl + Enter Inster line after
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Insert line before
Ctrl + Delete Delete word forward
Ctrl + Backspace Delete word backward
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + K Delete to end
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + Backspace Delete to beginning
Ctrl + T Transpose
Ctrl + . Close tag
Ctrl + Shift + A Expand Selection to Tag
Ctrl + Shift + W Wrap slection with tag
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + Space Set Mark
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + A Select to Mark
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + W Delete to Mark
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + X Swap with Mark
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + G Clear Mark
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + Y Yank
Ctrl + Shift + [ Fold Selection
Ctrl + Shift + ] Unfold Selection
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + J Unfold All
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + 1 Fold All
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + 2 Fold Level 2
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + 3 Fold Level 3
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + 4 Fold Level 4
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + 5 Fold Level 5
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + 6 Fold Level 6
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + 7 Fold Level 7
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + 8 Fold Level 8
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + 9 Fold Level 9
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + U Convert text upper case
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + L Convert text Lower case


Key-press Command
Ctrl + Shift + L Split into lines
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + L Select line
Ctrl + D Expand Selection to word
Ctrl + Shift + Space Expand Selection to scope
Ctrl + Shift + M Expand Selection to Brackets
Ctrl + Shift + J Expand Selection to Indentation
Ctrl + Shift + A Expand Selection to Tag

Find and Replace

Key-press Command
Ctrl + F Find in file
Ctrl + Shift + F Find in Folder
Ctrl + H Replace in file
Ctrl + Shift + H Replace Next
Ctrl + E Use selection for find
Ctrl + Shift + E Use selection for Replace


Key-press Command
Ctrl + P Anything
Ctrl + R Goto symbol
Ctrl + Shift + R Goto symbol in project
Ctrl + G Goto line
Ctrl + Tab Next file in tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Previous file in tab

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